Episode 01: Meet The Up-Beet Dietitians
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Episode Transcription
Participant #1:
Hi, guys. Welcome to the podcast. In the first episode, we'll be introducing ourselves, discussing our nutrition beliefs, talking about how we met and what you can expect to hear here going forward.
Participant #1:
My name is Hannah. I am a registered dietitian and personal trainer. I live in Indiana, so yeah, that's the basics. How about you, Emily? Hi, guys. My name is Emily. I'm currently studying for my RV exam. At the time that we're recording this, I just graduated this past December from Benedictine, and I'll be assumed to be dietician. Hopefully the next month. And when you guys see this posted, it's been a long time coming. Yes, long time coming. Okay, well, I think we should start by maybe diving in a little bit more about our nutrition philosophy and beliefs, how we got to where we are, how we met, all that good stuff. So tell us about yourself, Emily. So my name is Emily Crowsey. I got interested in nutrition because in high school, I actually developed some disordered eating habits that I noticed affected my academic performance, my mental health. And at the time I was playing sports. So it affected my athletic performance as well. And during this time period, I just really appreciate how much nutrition affects every aspect of your life. And I knew that ditch was for me. So I ended up going to Purdue, and I dual majored in Dietetics and nutrition, fitness and health. And then from there, I went on to complete my diet internship and master's assigns degree in nutrition and Dietetics from Benedicting. And that brings us to where we are today, where I am a recent graduate studying for the exam, facing that job searching process that all post College graduates go through and yeah, my specific interest with nutrition actually do include sports, nutrition, eating disorders, and oncology awesome. My intro is quite similar, at least the first half of it. So I also went to Purdue. Emily and I met. I also double majored in Dietetics and nutrition, fitness and health. But come 2019, Emily and I parted ways. I did my internship at Purdue. Well, it was through Purdue, but I was located in Fort Wayne at the time, doing my internship at a local hospital there. I graduated in this past May of 2020, and then I started working at a local weight management clinic where I counsel patients on weight loss, sustainable weight loss. And I also try to work a lot on my own, like little personal business. I call help with Hannah. I'm just trying to teach what the bulk of this podcast is about to. It's just nutrition misinformation, combating all of that and helping people better understand what health truly looks like. And I guess I'd say that's probably like one of my biggest interests and goals and kind of purpose of what I do as a dietitian is trying to just spread actual practical, evidence based nutrition information. I also am a personal trainer, so I do also have that side of things that I like to go into, but I do focus a lot more on the nutrition side of things, considering I spent five years of school learning about that. So, yeah, that's a little bit about me. I think we can go in and delve into how we met a funny story because we both did our undergrad at Purdue. So I'll start it off because mine is the less funny side this story. But Purdue has this freshman orientation program or it might be just transferring students as well. But basically, this summer, before you attend, you go in and you will sign up for classes. They have people help you with that. They also will basically give you a rundown of what your major is, some of the general building stuff like that. And I think the day I went there might have been two or three days. Maybe it was called Star. And during that time, a lot of the ditch students actually in our class were there. And Hannah was actually one of the students I had met. We didn't really interact that much, but I do remember seeing her there. And then come the first week of school freshman year when you don't really know anyone going into your classes, I recognized her, and I remember any Purdue alum remembers Lily Hall of Life Sciences. We were going to have biology lecture, and I approached her, introduced myself. I was like, I think we're both in Dietetics. Do you want to sit together? And then, yeah, I was just ecstatic that I knew someone and that she agreed, and I found out we had almost every single class together, so it worked out perfectly. And then from there. We, of course, always planned our schedules every semester to make sure we have every class together. Of course. Naturally. So, yes, that's how I remember it as well. But the funny part is that I forget if it was a star or during the biology class when I got your number and I'm terrible at names, I just always forget them. And so I just had Emily in my phone as, like, nutrition girl for, like, months and months and months until eventually I heard her introduce herself to someone else. I was like, oh, her name is Emily. I jot that down. And so I did not even know her name is Emily for months. But it's funny now because here we are, BFFs recording a podcast. So just go to show that I don't really know to go. So there's no life lesson in that. I don't know where I was going with that, but it all worked out pretty well. Yeah. Approach people. I feel like that's the I saw that in you because I would have never approached you, not because I didn't think you're like a nice person or anything. I'm just not the kind of person who likes to approach others. So if it wasn't for your approaching, I would have never known you as well. So that was wonderful. Yes. That's so funny. I just can't believe I didn't know your name for months. Did you know my name? I did it. I suck. We got over it. It didn't cause any issues in our friendship because I had no ideas. Until when did I eventually tell you like, what junior year, senior year. I was like, by the way, many years in I was like, oh, I feel like that happens when you're in College. There's, like, person from this lab or person from this class. And I never really knew their names. There's definitely others, other class members of ours that I have saved as, like, so and so nutrition or whatever. I have no idea what their last name is, what they do Besides take nutrition courses with us. Yeah, exactly. Good times. Well, now we're old. Emily is almost a dietitian. I'm a dietitian. It's crazy. Yes. When was that? 2015. When we met? Yeah, almost six years ago. Wow. That makes me feel old. We're old. Okay. So it's kind of discuss more about what Emily and I believe in what we hope to do as dietitians going forward. Like I kind of mentioned earlier in my little intro. I see every day just so much diet misinformation out there, like, carbs are bad. I can't even think of any examples or not just so many. But we're going to go over all that in future episodes. It's the whole point of this podcast, or at least part of the reason for the podcast. So that's our whole approach and we kind of share this belief of diets don't work intuitive. Eating is definitely amazing. We believe in mindful eating all foods fit all of that because we've just seen not only in ourselves but also in clients, peers, patients, coworkers, whatever. All of those things just don't usually work, especially in the long term. And again, we'll get into the nitty gritty and the science behind all of that in future episodes. But that's kind of like where we stand in terms of our beliefs as practitioners. The biggest things we'll be doing is fighting nutrition misinformation. We see either online. This is happening a lot, especially how much technology has changed over the past decade. And then what you might hear from friends, family, other professions that might not be qualified to be giving nutrition advice, or they might be even giving a harmful nutrition advice. And then Hannah also will be talking about fitness trends. You see or observe at that point that we can just break that down. We both have the double major with a lot of the health and kinesiology background, but definitely she's much more qualified to talk about that. I'll give my two cent where I can. So Besides this podcast, where can you find us more or if you want to basically see what we're posting or what we're preaching or really work with us at all, there's many different avenues you can find us for my Instagram. My Instagram username is the Avocado dietitian. This also goes for my Twitter and then also my Facebook group or page not group. And then on YouTube you can find me at Emily Crowsey. I know that's a very common name, so I'll have to find a way to link this. I actually have a link tree and you can find the URL in there to find YouTube because Emily Crosby is too common of a name to find Anna Thompson. So don't worry. Yes. But also this podcast which we'll be sharing together will be posting it on both of our channels. And then we'll also be posting it on the most popular podcast platform such as Modify Apple Music, Google stuff like that. Yeah, and yeah, we'll put links in the description for all of these. Yes, definitely. So you can just click and have the search for us because I'm sure there's tons of Hannah Crozies. We have the most basic names ever unfortunate on Instagram. You can find me at Dietitian Hanna. Facebook is healthwithhana and my website which I get I'll link, but it's healththanathy. Com. I do have like a little blog on there like to post recipes and I'm working on posting a lot more kind of related like this kind of stuff, nutrition and exercise information. I do have a YouTube channel as well where this podcast will be located in video form as well as other things, of course, Besides this podcast, but I do have a YouTube channel also under my name of Hannah Thompson. We have LinkedIn for the professional folks out there. If you want to check out our LinkedIn. We'll link it as well. It's, like, really interesting. Sometimes I posted zero times. Actually, I pride myself in my length, and this is a weird flex. A weird weird flag
Participant #1:
top. That no. My cover photo is a lot of fruit. What can I say? I shouldn't about fruit. You're a true professional professional. Exactly. Yeah. So this will be posted on wherever pods are casted. Really. I love that. So for the next episode, we'll be breaking down the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist. This will go down to education wise nutrition background. And then why we recommend seeing or we recommend seeing a dietitian over a nutritionist for your nutrition needs. There is a difference, people. So get ready for that. Yes. Okay. We will see you next time on episode two. Dietitian versus Nutritionist. Bye, guys. Bye. Hi, everyone. Emily here. I just wanted to quickly jump on and update you guys about my social media. We recorded the first episode to our podcast about two months ago, and I wasn't completely set my domain name. I wanted to let you guys know it is no longer the avocado dietitian. You cannot find me under that name. The name I have gone with and that you'll be able to find me with is Dietitian MK or Dietician EMK. And you can find this on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok. I'm Dietitian Emily, and then YouTube. That's a bit harder to find, since my name is way too common, but you can check the link in our viable, and that will direct you to it. So. Yeah. Thanks. And check me out because you won't find me on the other one and have a great rest of your day.